Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits

Have you ever dreamed of investing in real estate without getting stuck in one place? Enter the Nomad™ real estate investing strategy. This creative approach is all about flexibility and building your investment portfolio one house at a time. It’s like being a nomad, but instead of wandering without a purpose, you’re moving with a mission. You buy a home, live in it for a while, then move on to the next, leaving a valuable asset behind that continues to work for you. Imagine turning every home you live in into a stepping stone towards financial freedom. Exciting, right? Let’s dive deeper into how this strategy works and how it can light up your real estate investing path.

Introduction to Nomad™ Real Estate Investing

Imagine a life where every home you live in helps build your wealth. That’s what Nomad™ real estate investing is all about. It’s a journey where you buy a house, make it your home, and then, after a while, move to a new place. But here’s the twist: instead of selling the old home, you keep it as a rental property. This way, you slowly but surely build a portfolio of rental properties, all while enjoying the adventure of living in different homes. It’s a smart strategy for those who love the idea of moving and experiencing new neighborhoods, all while investing in their future.

Nomad™ isn’t just about moving; it’s a calculated move towards financial independence. Each home you acquire becomes part of a growing investment portfolio. Over time, these properties can generate significant rental income, helping you to live the life you’ve always wanted. Plus, you get to benefit from property appreciation, equity build-up, and tax advantages along the way. It’s like playing a strategic game where every move you make brings you closer to winning your financial freedom.

But Nomad™ is more than a strategy; it’s a lifestyle. It suits those who crave change and growth, not just in their surroundings but in their financial status as well. Whether you’re starting with your first home or looking to diversify your investment approach, Nomad™ offers a unique path to achieving your real estate and lifestyle goals. So, if you’re ready for an adventure that pays off, Nomad™ real estate investing might just be the strategy you’ve been looking for.

Renting Properties to Tenant-Buyers Using a Lease-Option

Renting properties through a lease-option is like giving someone a test drive of a car they might want to buy. It’s a smart strategy where you rent your property to a tenant, but with a twist: they have the option to buy the home at the end of the lease. This setup is great for both the landlord and the tenant-buyer. The tenant gets to try out the home and neighborhood before committing, and you get a motivated tenant who might eventually buy the property.

Here’s how it works: You agree on a purchase price for the home at the beginning of the lease, often locked in no matter how the market changes. The tenant pays you rent, and sometimes an extra amount that can go towards the down payment if they decide to buy. If they choose not to buy, the option simply expires, and you can either rent it out again or find a new tenant-buyer.

This strategy is a win-win. You benefit from reliable rental income and the potential for a sale at the end of the lease. Plus, tenant-buyers often take better care of the property because they see it as their future home. On top of that, if the market goes up, you’ve already locked in a sale price, but if it goes down, the tenant might opt not to buy, giving you options.

Lease-options can be a powerful tool in your real estate investing toolkit, especially when combined with the Nomad™ strategy. It allows you to move on to your next property adventure while offering someone the chance to make your previous home their own. It’s about creating opportunities—for yourself and for your tenant-buyers.

What is Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits?

Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits is a brilliant twist on the traditional Nomad™ real estate investing strategy. It combines the Nomad™ approach of moving from one home to another with the savvy exit strategy of lease-options. After living in a home and then moving to a new one, instead of simply renting out the old house, you find a tenant-buyer who enters into a lease-option agreement. This means they rent the property from you with the option to buy it at a later date, usually within a few years.

This strategy is like setting up a bridge between being a landlord and selling a property. It offers a seamless transition where you can benefit from rental income in the short term and potentially sell the property in the long term without the need for a traditional market sale. The tenant-buyer gets to “try before they buy,” while you, as the investor, can create a potential sale pipeline for your properties as you continue to move and acquire more.

Implementing Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits requires careful planning and understanding of lease-option agreements. It’s important to structure these deals in a way that benefits both you and the tenant-buyer, ensuring a fair purchase price, reasonable lease terms, and clear conditions for the sale. This strategy not only provides financial benefits but also offers flexibility and opportunities for both investors and tenant-buyers to achieve their real estate goals.

In essence, Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits is a creative investing technique that leverages the best of both worlds: the mobility and property accumulation of Nomad™ and the selling strategy of lease-options. It’s an innovative way to grow your real estate portfolio while providing paths to homeownership for others.

Why Do This Combo?

Combining the Nomad™ real estate investing strategy with Lease-Option Exits isn’t just smart; it’s a game-changer. This combo magnifies the benefits of each approach, creating a powerful investing strategy. But why go for this mix? Let’s break down the reasons.

  • Increased Cash Flow: Lease-option tenants often pay a premium in rent, plus an upfront option fee that is non-refundable if they don’t purchase the home. This means more money in your pocket each month.
  • Quality Tenants: Tenant-buyers have a vested interest in the property since they consider it their future home. This often leads to better maintenance and care of the property, reducing your costs and headaches.
  • Flexibility: The Nomad™ strategy already offers the flexibility of living in and experiencing different properties. Adding lease-options provides an exit strategy that can be more flexible and potentially more profitable than traditional renting.
  • Market Adaptability: This combo allows you to adapt to various market conditions. If the market is down, you still have steady rental income. If it’s up, you have a property ready for sale at a price locked in during a potentially lower market.
  • Builds Your Investment Portfolio: As you move from one house to another, you’re not just collecting homes; you’re building a diversified portfolio that grows in value and income potential.
  • Path to Homeownership for Others: This strategy provides a unique opportunity for people who might not currently qualify for a traditional mortgage to work towards owning a home.

By leveraging Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits, you’re optimizing your investment strategy for maximum gain, both financially and personally. It’s about creating win-win situations that benefit you, the investor, and your tenant-buyers. This innovative combo not only accelerates your journey towards financial independence but also offers a helping hand to others on their path to homeownership.

Pros and Cons

Like any real estate strategy, Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits has its share of advantages and challenges. Understanding these can help you navigate your investing journey more effectively. Here’s a balanced look at the pros and cons.


  • Multiple Income Streams: Combining rental income, option fees, and potential property sales offers a diversified income strategy.
  • Lower Maintenance Costs: Tenant-buyers, considering the property as their future home, often take better care of it, potentially reducing your maintenance and repair expenses.
  • Higher Quality Tenants: Tenant-buyers are typically more responsible and committed than traditional tenants because they have a vested interest in the property.
  • Flexibility in Selling: If the tenant decides to buy, you avoid the traditional sales process, saving on agent commissions and closing costs. If not, you still benefit from the rental income.
  • Market Protection: Locking in a sale price at the beginning of the lease-option can protect you against market downturns, ensuring you get a fair price for your property.
  • Use Option Fees As Down Payment For Next Property As I explain in my book and class about how to acquire a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio starting with just $3,000, you can use the option fee from the tenant-buyer moving into the property you’re moving out of as the down payment for the next property you’re moving into.


  • Complexity: Lease-option agreements can be complex to structure and require careful legal consideration to protect both parties’ interests.
  • Longer Time to Sale: If your tenant-buyer exercises their option to buy, the sales process can take longer than a traditional sale, potentially delaying access to your capital.
  • Risk of Non-Purchase: There’s always a risk that the tenant-buyer might not qualify for a mortgage at the end of the lease term, leaving you to start the process over or find a new tenant-buyer.
  • Market Upswing Loss: If the property’s value significantly increases beyond the agreed-upon price, you might miss out on additional profits from a traditional market sale.
  • Legal and Financial Risks: Without proper due diligence and legal advice, you might face legal and financial risks, including tenant disputes or issues with the contract.

While the pros of Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits are compelling, it’s crucial to weigh them against the cons and consider how they align with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Proper planning, legal guidance, and a clear understanding of the process can help mitigate the downsides and pave the way for a successful investing journey.


To help you better understand how Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits works in real life, let’s look at a couple of examples. These stories illustrate the strategy’s potential benefits and challenges, showcasing how different investors have navigated their journeys.

Example 1: The First-Time Nomad

Sarah, a first-time homebuyer, uses the Nomad™ strategy by purchasing a modest three-bedroom house. After living there for a year, she moves to a new home and finds a tenant-buyer for her first property. The tenant pays an option fee of $5,000 for the right to purchase the home at a set price within three years. Sarah enjoys additional monthly rent, and after two years, the tenant buys the home, using the option fee as part of the down payment. Sarah uses the proceeds to pay down the mortgage on her second home and starts looking for her next Nomad™ property.

Example 2: Scaling the Nomad™ Strategy

Mark, an experienced investor, has already moved through several Nomad™ properties. For his latest move, he selects a tenant-buyer who is a small business owner struggling to qualify for a traditional mortgage. Mark and the tenant agree on a lease-option that includes a higher-than-market rent, part of which will go towards the purchase. The business owner treats the house like his own, improving the property during his tenancy. After three years, the tenant secures financing and purchases the home. Mark benefits from the steady cash flow,

Spreadsheet to Analyze the Deals

The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™
The World’s Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™

Every successful real estate investor knows that the secret sauce to making informed decisions lies in the numbers. That’s where our special tool comes into play: The World’s Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™. This powerful spreadsheet is designed to help you analyze your Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits deals, ensuring you’re making profitable and wise investments every step of the way.

With this free spreadsheet, you can easily calculate potential rental income, option fees, appreciation rates, and more. It’s built to guide you through the complexities of real estate deal analysis, making it easier to understand the financials at a glance. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, this spreadsheet will become an invaluable part of your toolkit.

Here’s what you can do with The World’s Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™:

  • Estimate monthly cash flow to ensure each property meets your income goals.
  • Calculate the potential profit from selling with a lease-option exit.
  • Analyze long-term appreciation and how it affects your investment’s value.
  • Track profitability over time.
  • Compare different financing options to find the best fit for your strategy.

Ready to take your real estate investing to the next level? Download your free copy of The World’s Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ today. With this tool, you’re not just making investments; you’re crafting a well-informed strategy for financial freedom.

Understanding Local Laws About Lease-Options

Before diving into the world of Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of the local laws and regulations that govern lease-options in your area. Lease-option agreements can be complex, and the rules surrounding them vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another. Being well-informed about these laws can help you structure your deals legally and ethically, ensuring a smooth and profitable investment journey.

Here are some key areas to consider when exploring local laws on lease-options:

  • Legal Framework: Some states have specific statutes that define how lease-options should be structured, including required disclosures and tenant rights. Understanding these legal requirements is essential to creating enforceable agreements.
  • Consumer Protection Laws: Lease-options can sometimes fall under consumer protection regulations, which aim to protect tenant-buyers from unfair practices. Familiarize yourself with these laws to ensure your agreements are fair and transparent.
  • Foreclosure Rules: Knowing the foreclosure laws in your state is important, as they can affect your rights as a property owner and the rights of your tenant-buyer in the event of default.
  • Recording Requirements: Some jurisdictions may require lease-option agreements to be recorded in the same way as other real estate transactions. This can affect the public record and the rights of all parties involved.

To navigate these legal waters safely, consider consulting with a real estate attorney who specializes in lease-options or investment strategies similar to Nomad™. An attorney can provide valuable insights into local regulations, help you draft compliant agreements, and advise you on best practices for structuring your deals. Remember, the goal is to create win-win situations that are beneficial, legal, and ethical for both you and your tenant-buyers.

By understanding and adhering to local laws, you can build a strong foundation for your Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits strategy. This not only protects your investments but also builds trust with your tenant-buyers, laying the groundwork for successful and profitable relationships.

Marketing To Find Tenant-Buyers

Finding the right tenant-buyers is a key component of success in the Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits strategy. Effective marketing strategies can help you attract potential tenant-buyers who are a good fit for your property and investment goals. Here’s how to get the word out and connect with individuals who are ready to take the leap towards homeownership.

Online Advertising

Utilize online real estate platforms, social media, and classified ads to reach a wide audience. Websites like Zillow, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace are popular places where prospective tenant-buyers start their search. Be sure to highlight the lease-option aspect of your offering, as it can attract people interested in this path to homeownership.

Real Estate Investment Groups

Join local real estate investment groups and forums to network with other investors and potential tenant-buyers. These groups can be a great resource for referrals and for finding interested parties who are already familiar with the concept of lease-options.

Yard Signs and Local Ads

Don’t underestimate the power of traditional marketing. Yard signs in the neighborhood and ads in local newspapers can attract local tenant-buyers who are already interested in the area.

Working with Realtors

Some realtors are experienced in working with lease-options and can help you find tenant-buyers. They can also assist in marketing your property effectively and navigating the legal and financial aspects of lease-option agreements.

Creating an Informative Website

Consider creating a website dedicated to your available properties and the benefits of the lease-option approach. Include detailed FAQs, success stories, and clear contact information to help potential tenant-buyers understand the process and feel comfortable reaching out.

Remember, the key to successful marketing is clarity and transparency. Clearly communicate the benefits and requirements of the lease-option agreement, and make sure to address any questions or concerns upfront. This will help build trust and attract tenant-buyers who are serious about pursuing the opportunity.

By using a combination of these marketing strategies, you can increase your visibility and attract tenant-buyers who are a good match for your properties. With the right approach, you can find individuals or families eager to embark on the path to homeownership through your Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits strategy.

Extra Work with Lease-Options Adds to Return

Implementing a lease-option strategy as part of your Nomad™ real estate investing journey does require additional effort and management. However, this extra work is not without its rewards. The unique benefits of lease-options can significantly enhance your investment returns, making the additional effort well worth it. Here’s how the extra work translates into added value for your real estate investments.

Higher Rental Income

Tenant-buyers are often willing to pay a premium in rent for the opportunity to buy the home in the future. This premium rent translates into higher monthly cash flow for you, the investor, compared to traditional rental agreements.

Upfront Option Fee

At the start of a lease-option agreement, tenant-buyers pay an option fee for the right to purchase the property at a predetermined price. This fee is typically non-refundable and provides you with immediate additional income, which can be significant.

Reduced Vacancy Rates

Tenant-buyers invested in a potential future purchase are more likely to remain in the property for the duration of the lease, leading to lower vacancy rates and more stable income for you.

Lower Maintenance and Repair Costs

Because tenant-buyers view the property as their future home, they are more inclined to maintain and even improve the property at their own expense, reducing your costs for upkeep and potentially increasing the property’s value.

Enhanced Property Value

Any improvements made by the tenant-buyer can enhance the property’s value. Additionally, by locking in a purchase price at the beginning of the lease-option term, you may benefit from property appreciation if the market value exceeds the agreed-upon price at the time of sale.

Flexibility and Control

Lease-options give you the flexibility to sell the property in a way that maximizes your return on investment. You have control over the timing of the sale, and if the market conditions are favorable, you can negotiate a higher sale price or extend the lease term to continue receiving premium rent.

The extra work involved in managing a lease-option strategy—such as drafting comprehensive agreements, vetting tenant-buyers, and overseeing the lease-option process—adds layers of complexity to your investment strategy. However, the potential for higher returns, increased cash flow, and the added value to your property portfolio make it an attractive option for those willing to invest the time and effort.

By carefully managing these agreements and focusing on the long-term benefits, you can significantly boost your investment returns. Yes, it requires extra steps, like finding the right tenant-buyers, managing lease-option specifics, and sometimes navigating complex legal landscapes. But for those who are up for the challenge, the financial and personal rewards can be substantial. Embracing the extra work involved with Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits can add considerable value to your real estate portfolio, turning each investment into a stepping stone towards achieving your financial independence. So, while it may add more to your to-do list, the return on investment—and on effort—can make it all worthwhile.

Is Nomad™ to with Lease-Option Exits Right For You?

Deciding whether Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits is the right strategy for your real estate investing journey is a big decision. This approach combines the adventurous spirit of moving from one property to another with the financial savvy of lease-options, offering a unique path to building wealth. However, it’s not a one-size-fits-all strategy. It requires flexibility, a willingness to move, and the ability to manage more complex financial arrangements.

If you’re someone who enjoys stability and prefers not to move frequently, or if the idea of managing lease-option agreements seems daunting, this strategy might not be the best fit for you. That’s perfectly okay! The world of real estate investing is vast, with a strategy to match every personality and goal.

For those who are intrigued by the idea of Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits but are still weighing their options, or for anyone who feels this strategy might not align with their current lifestyle or investment preferences, we’ve got you covered. We encourage you to explore our comprehensive list of the best real estate investing strategies including:

Each of these strategies offers different benefits and challenges, and one might be the perfect fit for your investing style, goals, and lifestyle. Whether you’re drawn to the hands-on approach of fixing and flipping, the community building aspect of house hacking, or the long-term growth potential of traditional buy and hold, there’s a strategy out there for you.

Remember, the key to successful real estate investing is finding a strategy that resonates with you and aligns with your financial goals. Take the time to explore, learn, and consider your options. With the right strategy, you can build a fulfilling and profitable real estate investing career.


The Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits strategy offers a unique and dynamic approach to real estate investing. By combining the mobility of the Nomad™ lifestyle with the financial strategies of lease-options, investors can create a versatile and potentially lucrative investment portfolio. This strategy not only allows for the accumulation of assets and wealth through real estate but also provides opportunities for tenant-buyers to work towards homeownership.

While it requires a good understanding of the real estate market, legal considerations, and a bit of extra effort in terms of management and marketing, the rewards can be significant. From higher rental income and quality tenants to the potential for property appreciation and added flexibility in investment options, Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits can be a game-changer for those willing to embrace its complexities.

If you’re someone who loves the idea of blending the adventure of living in new places with the smart investment strategies that real estate offers, then this might just be the perfect strategy for you. Remember, the key to success in real estate investing lies in finding the approach that best matches your lifestyle, goals, and financial aspirations. Whether you decide to pursue Nomad™ with Lease-Option Exits or explore other strategies, the most important step is to start your journey and keep moving forward.

For those ready to dive deeper into this strategy or explore other real estate investing opportunities, don’t forget to check out our comprehensive resources and tools. With the right knowledge, strategy, and mindset, you’re well on your way to building a successful and rewarding real estate investment career.

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