The Real Estate Financial Planner Blueprint™
J-11 100% Stocks, 30% Savings, 11 Nomads 5% DP, 3 RM/SH - $1,800/mo, Sell By Cap Rate

Significant Event Month 159

Significant Event Description: Paid Off Mortgage

Cash Flow Power Meter

Since this  Property is now paid off, let's look at the Cash Flow Power Meter™.

Asset Allocation

How are assets allocated? Let's first look at this month.

And how have they looked over time up to this month?

Phases of Financial Independence™

With a Minimum Target Monthly Income in Retirement™ of $4,083.33 and a Ideal Target Monthly Income in Retirement™ of $20,000 at the time of achieving your  Goal of financial independence, let's look at the Phases of Financial Independence™.

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