The Real Estate Financial Planner Blueprint™
28 No Real Estate, Invest in Stocks

Final Month Summary

By the time we get to the very end of this Scenario, our net worth over time is shown below. Net worth takes into account all the Account balances as well as the equity in all the Properties.

After the final month, Month 1200, the total net worth is $114,566,796.07.

Realize though that we've had 100 years of inflation. A dollar in month 1200 is worth approximately $19.17 in today's dollars. So, your net worth in Month 1200 is more like having the spending power of $5,975,937.77 in today's dollars. The following is an inflation adjusted chart of net worth over time.

Number of Properties

In the final month of this Scenario, you end up with 0 Properties total. The chart below shows you how many you owned and what month you acquired them.

Asset Allocation

How are assets allocated? Let's look at the final month.

And how have they looked over time up to this month?

Goals Toward Target Monthly Income in Retirement

Both Monthly Cash Flow and Total Account Balance times Safe Withdrawal Rate would contribute toward achieving these goals.

What percentage of the user Minimum Target Monthly Income in Retirement (MTMIR) goal of $10,000 per month achieved over time. This is the minimum needed to achieve financial independence.

What percentage of the Ideal Target Monthly Income in Retirement (ITMIR) goal of $15,000 per month achieved over time. This is the goal of living your ideal lifestyle in retirement.

What percentage of 2 X Ideal Target Monthly Income in Retirement (2 X ITMIR) goal of $15,000 per month achieved over time. This is the goal of having a significant margin of safety for your ideal lifestyle in retirement.

Phases of Financial Independence™

So, how did we fare with our journey toward financial independence? With a Minimum Target Monthly Income in Retirement™ of $10,000 and a Ideal Target Monthly Income in Retirement™ of $15,000 let's look at the Phases of Financial Independence™.

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