Checklist Tags

These are the checklists related to Rental Application Evaluation Criteria.

These are the tasks associated with the Rental Application Evaluation Criteria to use when evaluating your Tenants and Tenant-Buyers.

When you click on the task, you can also see the tags that task is filed under. You can also click on the tag to see other tasks with that tag.

  1. Get or create "Rental Application Evaluation Criteria"
    Get or create your own "Rental Application Evaluation Criteria" to be used when tenants and/or tenant-buyers apply to rent your properties.

    Use the Nomad "Rental Application Evaluation Criteria" as a starting point:

    Mark this task complete when you have your own "Rental Application Evaluation Criteria".

    PaperworkPrepare to be a LandlordRental Application Evaluation CriteriaTenant ScreeningUltimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 48