Checklist Tags

These are the checklists related to College Nomad.

These tasks are related to the College Nomad type of Nomad. College Nomads using the Nomad investing strategy to either save for college (think parents and grandparents wanting to put aside money to pay for college for their kids or grandkids) and recent college graduates who want to use Nomad to pay for college they've already finished.

When you click on the task, you can also see the tags that task is filed under. You can also click on the tag to see other tasks with that tag.

  1. Read "Save For College Nomad Overview"
  2. Class Watch "College Nomad Overview" Recording of Live Class
    Watch the recording of the live presentation of "College Nomad Overview" available on:

    ASAPClassesCollege NomadUltimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 29