Checklist Tags

These are the checklists related to Tenant Month 1.

These are all the tasks related to the first month that your Tenant/Tenant-Buyers are occupying the property.

When you click on the task, you can also see the tags that task is filed under. You can also click on the tag to see other tasks with that tag.

  1. Complete the "Tenant Month 1" checklist
  2. Review "Property Management Mastery" Recording of Live Class
    If you have not done so recently, review the recording of the live presentation of "Property Management Mastery" available on:

    Tenant Month 1Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 45

  3. Verify Tenant/Tenant-Buyer replaced furnace filter
    Email or text Tenant/Tenant-Buyer and ask if they had any problems changing the furnace filter in the first month as a gentle way of reminding them they need to do it and verifying it was done.

    Tenant Month 1Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 45

  4. Remind Tenant/Tenant-Buyer rent due date and amount
    Email and/or text your Tenant/Tenant-Buyer to remind them when rent is due and the amount that is due (especially if they moved in mid-month).

    Tenant Month 1Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 45