Checklist Tags

These are the checklists related to Writing Offer: Draft Offer.

These are the tasks related to getting a draft of your offer written by your Real Estate Broker.

When you click on the task, you can also see the tags that task is filed under. You can also click on the tag to see other tasks with that tag.

  1. Complete "Writing Offer: Draft Offer" checklist
  2. REAL ESTATE BROKER: Drafts offer and sends you copy
    Once your Real Estate Broker has all the information they need to write the offer for you, your Real Estate Broker will write a draft of your offer and send you a copy via PDF.

    Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Writing Offer: Draft Offer

  3. Save copy of draft offer to Dropbox
    Once you receive the draft of the offer from your Real Estate Broker as a PDF save a copy of it to your Dropbox folder for this property.

    Use the file naming convention:

    "YYYY-MM-DD - 1234 Main St - Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate.pdf"

    You will overwrite it when you get the final, fully executed signed copy.

    Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Writing Offer: Draft Offer

  4. Review draft of offer
    Once you receive the draft of the offer from your Real Estate Broker as a PDF review it, highlighting any sections you have a question about and writing your questions in the margins.

    Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Writing Offer: Draft Offer

  5. Ask your Real Estate Broker your questions about draft offer
    After you've reviewed the offer, highlighted sections you have questions about and wrote down your questions in the margins ask your Real Estate Broker the questions you have and have them explain it to you.

    Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Writing Offer: Draft Offer

  6. Ask your Contract and Paperwork Attorney your questions about draft offer
    Some clients will opt to call their Contract and Paperwork Attorney to ask questions they have about the draft of the "Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate".

    Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Writing Offer: Draft Offer

  7. Ask your CPA your questions about draft offer
    Some clients will opt to call their CPA to ask questions they have about the draft of the "Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate".

    Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Writing Offer: Draft Offer

  8. Ask your Property Manager your questions about draft offer
    Some clients will opt to call their Property Manager to ask questions they have about the draft of the "Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate".

    Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Writing Offer: Draft Offer

  9. Ask your Insurance Agent your questions about draft offer
    Some clients will opt to call their Insurance Agent to ask questions they have about the draft of the "Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate".

    Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Writing Offer: Draft Offer

  10. Approve draft with Real Estate Broker
    Once you have all your questions answered and you feel comfortable with the draft offer, approve the draft with your Real Estate Broker.

    Ultimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Writing Offer: Draft Offer