Checklist Tags

These are the checklists related to Week 65.

These are all the tasks that should be done in Week 65.

When you click on the task, you can also see the tags that task is filed under. You can also click on the tag to see other tasks with that tag.

  1. File tax returns
    File your tax returns for the year.

    Mark this task as complete once you've filed for the year.

    AccountingBookkeepingBookkeeping and Accounting for NomadsPost-Closing Bookkeeping and AccountingUltimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 65

  2. Complete the "Advertise Property for Rent" checklist
  3. Take Photos
    We usually recommend that you have professional photographs taken of your new property just after Closing while it is still vacant by your Photographer.

    However, if you happened to skip or miss that step, this is your chance to have professional photos taken by your photographer so you can use them in your marketing.

    Mark this task complete when photos are taken.

    Advertise Property for RentUltimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 65

  4. Create video tour of property
    Create a short video tour of the property that you'll send to prospective Tenants/Tenant-Buyers when they call in and before you schedule a showing.

    Post this video to YouTube.

    Advertise Property for RentUltimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 65

  5. Complete the "Take Calls from Tenants" checklist
  6. Complete the "Showings to Tenants" checklist
  7. Complete the "Process Application" checklist
  8. Complete the "Approve Applicant" checklist
  9. Complete the "Collect Rent" checklist
  10. Provide Tenant or Tenant-Buyer with receipt for rent collected each month
    Each month that you receive rent from your Tenant or Tenant-Buyer, it is considered a best practice to provide the Tenant or Tenant-Buyer with a receipt for the rent that was collected.

    Mark complete when done each month.

    Collect RentPost-ClosingUltimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 65

  11. Complete the "Collect Reservation Deposit" checklist
  12. Complete the "Lease Signing and Lease Review" checklist
  13. Complete the "Document Property Condition" checklist
  14. Complete the "Pre-Occupancy Reminders to Tenant" checklist
  15. Complete the "Tenant Move-In" checklist
  16. Show Tenant/Tenant-Buyer where fire extinguisher is under sink in kitchen
    Show the Tenant or Tenant-Buyer where the fire extinguisher is under the sink in the kitchen and tell them how to use in case there is a fire.

    Tenant Move-InUltimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 65

  17. Complete the "Tenant Week 1" checklist
  18. Complete the "Tenant Month 1" checklist
  19. Complete the "Tenant Periodic Inspections" checklist
  20. Complete the "Tenant Turn-over Preparation" checklist
  21. Complete the "Tenant Turn-over" checklist
  22. Complete the "Post-Move-Out" checklist
  23. Complete the "Emergency Plan" checklist
  24. Complete the "Next Property" checklist