Seller’s Property Disclosure

During: Buying Process Overview: Contract to Close: Seller’s Property Disclosure

Contract to Close

The following is a visual representation of the Seller’s Property Disclosure process when buying homes as a Nomad. It is part of the Contact to Close process that you’d use once you are under contract to buy a property.


  1. Complete "Contract To Close" checklist
  2. Class Watch "Contract to Close" Recording of Live Class
    Watch the recording of the live presentation of "Contract to Close" available on:

    ClassesContract To CloseUltimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 60Week 8

  3. Complete "Contract To Close: General" checklist
  4. Complete "Contract To Close: Title" checklist
  5. Complete "Contract To Close: Owner’s Association" checklist
  6. Complete "Contract To Close: Seller's Property Disclosure" checklist
    Complete the "Contract To Close: Seller's Property Disclosure" checklist:

    Since the "Seller's Property Disclosure" is often provided even before we write the offer, it is not uncommon that we use "Completed" for the date of this deadline. However, if we have not received the "Seller's Property Disclosure" prior to writing the offer, we often use "MEC + 3 Days" so that you can ideally get a copy of the "Seller's Property Disclosure" prior to your inspection.

    This is especially important since there is not an objection for the "Seller's Property Disclosure"; you'd need to object based on your inspection if you found something at the property that you learned about via the "Seller's Property Disclosure".

    Contract Deadline: Seller's Property Disclosure DeadlineContract To CloseContract To Close: Seller's Property DisclosureSellers Property DisclosureUltimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 13

  7. Complete "Contract To Close: Loan and Credit" checklist
  8. Complete "Contract To Close: Appraisal" checklist
  9. Complete "Contract To Close: Survey" checklist
  10. Complete "Contract To Close: Inspection and Due Diligence" checklist
  11. Complete "Contract To Close: Closing and Possession" checklist

Contract to Close:
Seller’s Property Disclosure

And, here is the visual representation of the Seller’s Property Disclosure process.


Let’s look at each step in more detail.

Seller’s Property Disclosure


The Seller’s Property Disclosure is the deadline for having the Seller’s Property Disclosure delivered.

Class Watch "Seller's Property Disclosure Case Studies" Recording of Live Class

Watch the recording of the live presentation of "Seller's Property Disclosure Case Studies" available on:

ASAPClassesContract To Close: Seller's Property DisclosureGet Your First Deal DoneMaking OffersPaperworkSellers Property DisclosureUltimate Nomad ChecklistWeek 13

See the Loan and Credit group of Dates and Deadlines.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This checklist is based on what I personally use with clients in Northern Colorado and is based on the Colorado Real Estate Commission approved Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate. Please rely on your local real estate agent for how it works in your local real estate market. This process will definitely vary in different States.

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